Monday, April 21, 2008

Jumping rope

I never did "Jump rope for heart" as a kid where you raise money for the american heart association...maybe I should have. It would pay off with Crossfit now a days, that's fo' sure.

Today looked like this

5-5-5 back squat at 85% max (115lbs for me)

Then 4 rounds for time of:
50 squats (unweighted)
50 double unders with a jump rope(where you try to spin the rope twice under you)...or 150 singles.

Me and jump roping. We never became good friends in grade school. We were mere acquaintances really. I could sorta jump rope with the long jump ropes, but jumping rope on my own? Na. And then doing double unders...that is more just hilarious really. But that being said for each round I would give double unders a good 'college try' for the first 10 and then move on to singles. And then randomly, I was only my last round and had counted out 120 singles and thought "let's try it double unders again" good reason, but out of the next 30 tries I think I actually managed about 10 of them. But when you aren't used to actually doing a double under then when it happens you don't know what to do on the next time to jump rope and you lose your rhythm. But I was pretty excited for the few I managed.

I did get a bike ride in this weekend in an area where I could work and focus on being aero more. I've gradually been trying to build a relationship with my aero bars. They are a little skittish of embarking on such a relationship, but I discovered more that my saddle isn't so thrilled with this new relationship nor are my shoulders (but they complain about biking in general so I tend to ignore them...they have their own set of pre-existing's not how my bike fits). But I'm doing better in areo. But I do have a tip from the weekend...if people are kite surfing where you are riding your bike, maybe not the best place to ride...dontchathink?? At least that was my thought by the end of it.


Paul said...

How do you ride on water? ;)

IronWaddler said...

Tough crossfit work out. Great job.

triguyjt said...

give me skipping rope any day. but, i should do alot of more biking, however....
ahh you live and learn...

hows the injury issues you are dealing with??

Benson said...

no jumping rope for me thanks.
Biking... Yes.
Keep up the great workouts and more practice in aerobars. it'll all come together soon.

Sarah said...

Skipping rope is HARD!! I grew up in a very, um, diverse place (okay, Vallejo is just plain GHETTO but still rich in diversity!) and I was always jealous because all the black girls were SO DAMN GOOD at double-dutch. It was amazing to watch. I was just happy when I learned how to 'jump in' to the SINGLE rope.

So...I still don't quite get what this double under it works.

Still...sounds like you kicked some butt. Way to go!