G-H-B = Glute-Hamstring-Back-extension.
G-H-B = E.V.I.L
3 rounds on the GHB:
30 situps
25 back exentsions
I will probably have DOMS tomorrow...i'm starting to feel the soreness settle in. Beauty.
After the 3 rounds of FUN...we then had to run 400m 4 times with 2 minutes rest inbetween. My best: 1:46...but its not *truly* like 400m on a track...so I'm not sure what to make of that number.
Ran a hilly 5ish miles...was going to make it 7.5 tonight and I remembered that Last time I was getting over being sick I hit my training really hard and well...got sick again. Don't want that again, so i'm trying to modulate or something like that.
Ok. I just don't get this. Why don't you just do planks? I really hate these targeted exercise machines. They never simulate real life and do more damage than good. And in the end, you have to do it for the rest of your life or you go right back to where you started.
JMHO, of course.
I am madd jealous of you, Pants. I try to do some CF stuff at the gym and these yahoos give me dirty looks. Ugh. Keep posting, this is all good stuff.
That is an evil comeback set! Good job.
GHB=Grievous Bodily Harm... er, I mean, Grievous Harm, Bodily. We had one of those at my gym in CA and I couldn't use it. I said I was too short... but that was a lie. It was too hard. You're getting to be such an anaerobic stud.
Feel better, stay better.
That thing just looks evil.
I'm glad you decided to keep the run to 5.
If you let your body come back slowly and give it time to fully heal, you'll have plenty of time to kill yourself later. ;)
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