Tuesday, April 08, 2008

i DO listen...on occasion

OK...OK...OK, I'm stubborn. I don't listen all that well. I admit that. So...i'm pretty proud to admit for ONCE I did listen. After yesterday's foray with the GHB and I knew that I was going to be due for a very sore core and a sore back I decided to change up my training depending on how I was feeling. 

This was the deal. Depending on my level of soreness I would chose the following. If I wasn't terribly sore I would go to crossfit in the morning and plan for a nasty bike ride full of hills. 

(Side note: I'm kinda freaking out about the bike leg for wildflower...and I don't even have to do the whole tri...just the bike leg...of the OLY. Total freak out this weekend that resulted in me saying...ok...Hills are our friends. I think it was when I looked at the profile and realized that one of the hills is 3 miles long. 1 or 2...OK...but 3? And 2500 total elevation gain...yikes. At least I have a triple. That is the ONLY thing on my side. I'm not a strong cyclist nor a steller climber, but whatever. Just keep spinning...that is my general motto for hills anyway. I may only go 6mph up the hill...but just keep spinning up it as best as I can. )

Anyway I woke up this morning to discover that my hips were rather sore from the GHB and my run...as well as my core. Not so sore it makes me hurt when I laugh kind of sore, but sore when I move around kind of sore. But since the hip flexors were sore, but they hadn't YET taken my psoas hostage at that point, I decided to try to convince them not to go to war on my psoas and instead of crossfitting and nasty hills...I was nice to them. I went to yoga this morning and then did a nice 1500y swim this evening. Maybe I'm learning. I am looking forward to when my injuries and my fitness are more aligned in with what I'd like to put down for my training and not end up sick. 

I will get some nasty hill work in tomorrow. It'll probably be so pathetic it'll be hilarious...but if you can't laugh at yourself, well who can you?? (Well....and not be called mean?) And hey, being bad at something just means that any improvement is much more dramatic...right? I tell myself that all the time. 


Paul said...

Good idea to play it smart! Hills are like kryptonite to me. I'm going to be doing some hill work too. :)

Sarah said...

Awwwww! You're learning! ;)

I'm really happy to hear you decided to listen to your body and take an easier day to recover before your next hard day. That means your body will have had more time to regenerate and will benefit more from your work instead of breaking down even more. And you will SO kick butt tomorrow. Yay for that!

As far as hills go...what can I say...to get better at them...you just gotta do 'em. One thing I like to think about that a friend shared with me is this: "One from Barb Lindquist is when going up hills, imagine a Japanese fisherman pulling you up the hill with his line in order to painlessly scale the slope."

Just think...you can go do that ride as hard as you want because you won't have to do that damn run afterward! I would KILL to be able to do that! (the first year I did WF I went ALL OUT on the bike and just cramped up completely on the run...not fun.)

You're gonna do great. :)

Angry Runner said...
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Angry Runner said...

Keep improving your strength/weight ratio with your legs and you'll power up those hills. Methinks you have a lethal combination with CF and the endurance stuff going concurrently, but you don't need me to tell you that.

Go, Pants, Go! WOOHOO!!!