As I said in my last post, Cycling has so many little things to keep track of...fortunately the biking itself makes it worth all the crazy choas that trying to figure out all
evil culprit shoe
the various little cycling parts causes. ANYWAY... I took my bike shoes in with my bike to see if the LBS could get me sorted out. This guy at least had more of an idea of how to access the soles of the shoes (Like Speedy and Bill suggested) more so than the other two bikeshop guys...from two different bike shops mind you...Anyway, he got the plate out (there is a section that pops out, I'm not sure why the other guys didn't notice this). Turned it around and around and around and said: "hmmmm...the plate doesn't quite line up with the spots for the Look cleats." There were the appropriate 3 holes, but the plate wasn't quite the right size. Boo...stupid shoes.
Knowing that I might have to throw down some cash for new shoes, I came prepared with my socks. I lucked out and they had some carbon soled shoes on sale, 50% off, in my size. AND they were more comfy than my other shoes. Bonus.
So here are the new shoes.
Yes, just shoes to look at. Fortunately for my wallet the pretty tri shoes I'd been eyeing were not in my size. These were correctly drilled, I got my cleats put on and had them put my Look peddles on my bike.

I'm going for my hilly longer bike ride tomorrow. I'm looking forward to trying out the new shoes, and peddles. YEA!
Sorry it came down to buying new shoes, but sometimes it works out that way. I've got 5-6 pair of cycling shoes around this house somewhere.
Plus, this time of year is a great time to buy. Last year's models are always on sale. I've yet to see such a quantum leap in cycling shoe technology that it justified new shoe prices.
Let us know how they work.
There is nothing wrong with getting something new. Nice shoes btw.
WOO HOO! NEW SHOES AND NEW PEDALS! Can't wait to hear how they turned out!
i think the blue ones are far more sexy looking....
but thats just me...
and they are just shoes...
but glad you got the problem figured out..
I have the same ones...unfortunately the cleat cracked on one of them so on some of my climbs my left foot pops out of the pedal...but all in all they are a really good training shoe.
Nice new shoes. Good luck on the ride.
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