My Psoas...I talk about it on my blog, unfortunately, ever increasingly. Maybe because I am CONSTANTLY reminded that I have this muscle. I wish I didn't think about this muscle on such a continual basis. But currently I am getting pain, right about where that arrow that says "psoas" is posted, it kinda feels like someone stabbed you in the stomach or that you have indigestion. But since I think about this muscle, and seemingly blog about it, and talk to my PT about it...the Psoas is just another topic that spins around and around in my head. I will have no qualms about telling anyone perfectly randomly that I have this hip injury. In fact...I tend to tell people in a more 'matter of fact' kind of way.
So when I'm chatting with one of my co-workers about my training for a HIM this summer and I say "Oh yea, but my psoas is giving me trouble". He sorta stares at me inquisitively. I...matter-of-factly...point to my belly button and say "PSOAS'...he laughs when he realizes what I'm attempting to say.
Now YOU...my dear reader... say: MY PSO-AS...
It sorta sounds like: my- so'-as' OR my-sore-a__
I suddenly realize that my coworker thinks I'm talking about my posterior...I, being slightly embarrassed at this point (although, after crossfit and stupid power snatches and weighted lunges, that comment really wasn't too far off) and thinking the comment to be also rather hysterical, bust into a fit of laughter. It must be understood though, I live in 'Cubeville' at work...and when I get a good laughing fit...I-AM-LOUD. As... in hear me 5 rows over, kind of belly laugher, loud. Ahhh...a distinctive laugh...people have commented that they knew I was coming before they saw me due to it.
So me and my PSOAS still aren't in agreements with one another. And basically every action illicit a spasm. It's real fun right now. I've decided to ignore it...i'm not quite doubled over in pain. I'm just not having a good time either. One day it will go away...i hope.
Oh dang it all anyway. I sure hope you shake that pesky sore psoas and I hope your hip gets better too. Wait, what did I just say?
Too funny about the coworker comment. I had a similar response when I mentioned my psoas to a friend. He said "yeah, my butt is kinda sore too."
That's awful that a muscle hurts that you can't even point to. Hillarious about the sore-ass though. I hope you feel better!
Helpful to share a laugh over it anyway.
Hope you can discover some good-ass remedies!!?
One moment you have me laughing at the sore ass comment and then feeling sorry for ya. LOL.
My rule of thumb is if it is sore ignore it, but if it is consistant or hurts, do something about it. Don't hurt yourself.
you know your a re an endurance athlete when:
Muscles you never even knew you had and can barely pronnounce are getting sore.
Thanks!! Even though we were careful, we were pretty surprised when the heater melted after being on only a short time. Appreciate your comment.
psychic moment of the week. I read your blog...
and not long after that, my "bride" studying for further personal trainer certification says out- loud.
"How do you say Psoas"???
It was a rod serling twilight zone moment...
it even gave me a sore ass
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