Random comings and goings in my life...some things learned some random observations, some are just some excited happenings...in no particular order.
1)I HEART my new phone. It even has a QWERTY keyboard so now text messaging doesn't make me crazy. It is so flash.
2) I have had ROCKSTAR parking ALL WEEK at my apartment. Makes me feel, well...kinda like a Rockstar.
3) If I don't eat a full and proper breakfast...i am super hungry by lunch (even if I get a snack in) AND I am almost guarentee that I am way too hungry in the afternoon and a normal snack won't cut it.
4) I never win at the vending machine. If I try to buy something that is lightweight (not calorie wise...just packet wise)...like M&Ms...they freaking ALWAYS get stuck.
5) Being clever and buying something else out of said vending machine to try to get unstuck M&Ms rather than buy the second packet of M&Ms (you know...trying to use another product to knock the other one down) ..never works for me. Yes, I ended up with three things of candy this afternoon. (Stuck M&Ms, candy bar that was supposed to knock down stuck M&Ms and then another packet of M&Ms so that would end up with both packets)No I did not eat them all. I only ate the M&Ms...but after that fiasco they really weren't as tasty and I felt like a moron.
7) I think not drinking enough water may be contributing to my insomniac comings and goings. The experiment is in its early stages but so far my hypothesis of drinking the proper amount during the day might be correlated to my ability to stay asleep all night(I go to sleep fine, but then wake up at 4am). If proved true...that's so weird.
8) I suck at the rings.
9) The bummer thing about hypothesis in experiments in the lab are that they are merely hypothesis...a null answer still tells you something, but having a proven hypothesis is so much more fun.
10) My venture into Crossfit has almost convinced me to do this 10K obstacle course in June. I figure by June I should be able to heave myself over a wall enough to make this not the most embarrassing event in history for myself. Although right now I am in a delimma and torn between being part of a team or just doing it on my own. I feel like a jerk and a non-team player by wanting to do it on my own, but at the same time...i think i could do 1/5 of the race right now...and by pushing myself to do the whole thing that would be a better goal.
Those are the random ramblings of my little brain.
3-5) Giving people chocolate makes friends. Body checking vending machine when no one's looking makes m&ms fall (or gets you a free trip to the ER). Trail mix you bring from home (with m&ms if desired) never get stuck in the machine, and you don't need the world's most crispy dollar to get it.
7) Drinking enough water has the opposite effect on me: Drink lots of water = wake up at 4am to go wee wee Enough water is good though, just not at bed time.
10) Go for the whole race on your own. Convince a team to come with you.
I heart m&m's to the point of no return. Once I start, I'm doomed.
That crossfit stuff sounds pretty darn cool. Go for it on your own and reward yourself with...m&m's.
The Crossfit sounds great so far. Glad to hear you're getting better at it.
At first it sounded impossibly hard.
I think you should go for the race. Either by yourself or not.
Also check out the Muddy Buddy race. Sounds like fun and very laid back.
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