My PT is amazing. I am NOT a fan of having an injury. I am NOT a fan of going to the PT...but this little injury actually is not the worst thing in the world. Weird to say that.
I went to this PT last month for some ART (Active Release Technique). Now, I thought the man had healing powers because for a few weeks I didn't have any hip pain. It did feel like at ate a rock as my Psoas muscle was still spasming but no hip pain. But last week I realized with a mere 4 mile run...I was not healed and I should go see The Healer PT.
So today he had me run around while he videotapes me. Watching yourself running around on a video tape...all I could think was "I look like that". Anyway, we go analyze the videotape. AHHHHHHH essentially data analysis. LOVE.IT.
The other thing about The Healer PT, is that he is a great teacher. That is one thing I need from a doctor when I go see one. I need someone who will explain what is going on. I almost chose a path of medicine in my life and I still have a small nagging fascination with it all.
So we look at me running around, looking all silly. Conclusions:
-I'm a heal striker. Although he says, that actually isn't the worst thing in the world. If biomechanically you heal strike efficiently enough...basically strike with your body above your aren't too bad off. You can 'change' your gait...but there is some difficulties and potential pitfalls to doing such...and we all can't be Kenyans. For the moment, I want work with my God given gait and first make it as efficient as possible with my biomechanics and then see if it is really necessary to become a 'forefoot' striker. We talked at length about this.
-I overstride a wee little bit. And I have a short stride length and high cadence.
-I 'cross over' my midline while running, mainly with my right foot (the one that is having hip issues and is the tightest). This will cause adductor issues...which is partly contributing to my tight hips
-My left leg is doing beautifully. Power, push off, good stuff. We can still see effects of that hip flexor being tight, but it looks reasonably good.
-Now my poor right leg. Loss in range of motion. Losing my push off. Since I am not fully extending in my stride due to that tight hip flexor, I am compensating by arching my back (quite a bit), swinging my torso, using my arms, and rolling internally with that adductor. The hip injury doesn't help the situation, but since I've had all KINDS of IT band issues over the past few is increasingly becoming obvious that I have some 'issues' in that leg.
He again does his thing where I stretch and he basically pinches my muscles. I can't quite explain it...aside from it hurts. PT always hurts...that basically is guaranteed. He then tests my gluteus medius muscle by having me lie on my side and put the top leg up in the air and tells me to push against the force of him pushing down on my leg. We test the left leg (healthy leg) first. The verdict: Very strong leg. I roll over to have the other leg tested. He pushes down...I cannot resist him pushing on my leg. AT.ALL. Oye vey! He tried to 'comfort me' by telling me he sees all sorts of muscle imbalances with the pro triathletes that come in.
So...I'm excited that I may be sorting out this running gait of mine and I HIGHLY suggest that anyone who is having continued injuries should have their gait analyzed. It is SO helpful.
Ain't imbalances great? Do a whole mess of one legged squats and you'll be fine. Do you pronate as well?
That is great that you found someone to do that. Great Information.
This is awesome - and data data data!! A good PT is a great find, they're invested in getting you better, you learn a ton of stuff, and you know what you have to work on. Be careful of trying to adjust the gait *too* much - I've heard that you can do more damage sometimes by trying to change your natural gait. Sounds like you know what you're doing though. Good luck with the hip - I'm sorry it is still nagging, I know the feeling!
"I overstride a wee little bit. And I have a short stride length." How the heck does that make sense? All I can picture are 2-inch legs.
I WANT YOUR MEDICAL INSURANCE! I can barely afford a massage every 6 months, let alone all these fancy doctors you see. It sure is interesting to hear about though. Is your butt visibly uneven because of all these imbalances then?! That would be really exciting.
Incredibly interesting.
Must be good to know what is going on.. information for changing ..
Heaps of good luck.
great post..very insightful.
I have a very tight hammy and need to get it all checked out...
good luck..keep us posted
Wow, that is super interesting. I should probably get a gait analysis at some point too!
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