Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sleepless in Massachusetts

Why is it that when I'm insomniatic (which is usually rare...although i fear might become more frequent in the coming months) that all night I toss and turn and can't sleep, yet when my alarm goes off I instantly fall asleep and then can sleep between snooze button pushes?? That is rather unhelpful with the whole need to get up to work out routine that I've found rather difficult to do anyway, but workouts in the AM are about 100X more likely to be achieved than workouts in the PM.

Stress is fun. (dish that up with a cup of sarcasm please :-) ) We won't get into what KIND of day I had yesterday. It was unpleasant, that's for sure.

Oyi...i'm not sure if i'm OK with lack of sleep. It makes me a little slow and rather loopy that no amount of coffee can counter act. But rather funny to laugh at.

So even after a restless night, I did attempt a 40min ride on the trainer. Um...let's just say that I cannot multitask while riding my trainer. No...checking my email and trying to do things on my computer does not mix very well with trying to keep my HR up and focus. Not a very effective workout. But now I know. Due to the late start to my morning, i didn't get my weights workout in that I had planned. I'm still fiddling with my schedule to try to see what day I can put the dreaded weights workout in where I will ACTUALLY do the workout. So far, no success in achieving that weight workout.

So...better luck tomorrow. And hopefully I will be able to sleep tonight.


Ryan said...

Hope you caught up on those zzzz's. Nice job on the eight mile run on Saturday, long and slow is good for training and helps the build endurance!

Bullet said...

Seriously, the first question that came to my mind when reading this post was whether or not you are over training. I read an article last month that a sign of overtraining is trouble sleeping at night. It doesn't sound like you're over the top with training, but I know you've got a lot going on with school. Make sure you're not taking on too much.