Monday, November 24, 2008

more fun

After returning from my little excursion to IMAZ this weekend to be an iron spectator, I needed to get in a workout and decided to venture back to crossfit. I'm having a little internal connundrum about whether or not to break up forever with crossfit, maybe I will talk about that later...or not. Anyway on my way to crossfit AGAIN the secret hope was: puuuleeze no pull-ups.I still had some soreness in funny spots from last week's debacle AND my hands are sorta a mess still. They hurt a bit from the rip I have on my left hand and the nice rip on my right thumb. Yes, i'm weak when it comes to pull-ups...and yes these are assisted...still a weakling and can only do 5-8 at one go. We do kipping pullups so there ends up being a lot of friction on the hands, hence a lot of ripped hands. Here is an example of kipping pullups.

So I was none too pleased when I showed up to see "Helen".

3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 kettlebell swings (men 1.5 pood, women 1 pood. pood ~36 pounds)
12 pullups

When I first grabbed a kettle bell and started swinging it I accidentally grabbed the 3/4 pood size which is only 12kg not 16kg (~36lbs). My instructor was quick to point out the difference and 4kg is 8.8lbs and it made a world of difference when I went to swing it. UG. Really had to focus on core and using the hips to get that stupid thing above my head.

The workout chugged along. The pull-ups continued to hate me and me them. I was slow. That's what being away for 2+ months will do to me. Makes me think a bit. But it got done.

I'm having a connundrum around goals and such and crossfit and triathlon and really a lot of things, but it is too muddled to attempt to flush out here. All in good time...all in good time.


Charisa said...

Ughhh, pull ups are HARD! I'm impressed you did so many!!! Your post on spectating is spot-on too!

Angry Runner said...

pullups beget pullups. do more.

Benson said...

OK Chica, I hope I never accidentally surprise you in a dark ally. You'd kick my ars.
Good job just getting er done.
Don't break up, make up.

Sarah said...


I still secretly want to do this. But the closest Crossfit to me is about a 20 min drive away. And depending on the time of day, full of commute traffic. So...I guess I'll just have to wait until it comes to SR, right?

But go, girl. You keep it up. Would love to hear about why you might be considering stopping...

Speed Racer said...

Didn't you just prove recently that triathlon and crossfit goals didn't have to be at odds with each other?

Someday I too will be able to do a pullup, and on that day I plan on saying things like, "Yes, i'm weak... and can only do 5-8 at one go." And I will feel SO cool while I'm saying it because I'll secretly know that I'm a badass.