In my head today: I really hope there are no pull-ups in the workout of the day (WOD)
As I was getting out of the car I looked in the window of the gym and saw lots of people doing pull-ups....i truly almost just turned around and got back in the car. It's not doing the pull-ups that made me want to turn around, its that doing a lot of pull-ups in a WOD tend to tear my hands and considering how long it had been since I had been to crossfit, i didn't have any callouses, so i knew it could get ugly.
The WOD had two parts, the first part was just a lift
5-5-5 SOTTs press
Here is an example of a SOTTs press...its from the crossfit website, but he isn't below parallel on that squat so I would hazard to argue he needs to squat a little bit more. (At least I was told to squat lower than that.) Let's just say...I found some new

Then it was on to the rest of the WOD. Stupidly I waited for the two other guys who had shown up near the time I had...I should have started with out them. They both ended up with the top times for the day...and my time...well...I was battling it out for the slowest position. Anyway the WOD:
3 rounds of the following
25 burpees
25 chest high pull ups (with an assistance band...i'm not that cool yet not to use one)
Hours later... my arms still don't fully work. I hope I can pick up a pen tomorrow. Oh and I did rip my left an impressive manner too...ick.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger... I only take solace in the thought that maybe by the time a workout actually kills me I will have built up some cool deltoids. In the meantime, trying to get stronger. Some guy 'complimented' me on finishing the WOD...'way to finish it'...all I could think was: is there another option? I figure if there isn't something physically wrong with me during a WOD, then being slow isn't a reason not to finish. How else will I get stronger?
Ripped hand sounds *very* bad. Muscles sounds nice but I think you are more hard core than me...this stuff sounds super hard.
what do you mean its harder than it looks?! it looks damn hard as it is?! and you want me to do this with you?!?!?! huh. fat. chance.
Having never done a crossfit workout before, I didn't realize they did things with actual weights. Crossfit is still on my list of things to do.
Exactly what is a ripped hand? Can we see a picture? :)
(Oh yeah--and I was told by my doctor never to go lower than parallel because of the strain it puts on your knees.)
Um...ripped hand...yikes. I love your honest tales from crossfit. ;)
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