Thursday, March 20, 2008


This is my recipe for quads so sore that walking down the stairs has turned into a hobble down the stairs with always a brief thought of "could I just slide down the banister?".

Ingredient list:
1 triathelte training for her first HIM
1 PT
2 crossfit sessions
2 bike rides
2 runs
And a WHOLE lotta Delayed onset muscle soreness.

Goal: How to achieve rediculous level of soreness. This is a day by day approach. Proceed with increasing stupidity.

Day 1: go for hilly bike ride where keeping up doesn't seem to be option. Fully embrace the fact that that by the last 5 miles the lactic acid in the quads inhibits any increase in speed.

Day 2: be amazingly surprised that lactic acid that filled quads did not make them sore, but only heavy. Add 8 miles of running. Sprinkle in a little frustration at the fact that hip injury is inhibiting the speed of the run, but overall the run felt good. Aerobically super. Notice legs are somewhat 'heavy' but really not a problem.

Day 3. Go to PT. Have PT inflict various amounts of pain in hip...boarder line where eyes roll in back of head, desire to throw up/black out does seem to loom on the horizon and the curious question of "I think he left his finger prints on my hip". ET suddenly becomes a role model...OWWWCHHHHH.

From PT go to crossfit to discover the following horrors.
Back squat 85% in 5-5-5. Move from 85lbs previously up to 95lbs. (Still don't know what my back squat 'max' is.)

Followed by 3 rounds of:
35 Box jumps (only can jump on 12" box...not prescribed 24"...laugh at self because of inability to jump)
25 Wall ball squats...squat ONTO medicine ball and when coming UP throw 10lb ball up on wall.
15 Knees to elbows...hang on bar and pull your knees to elbows or pathetically try as my case may be.

Day 4 wake up...don't feel too bad...think "hey i'm getting in shape!" By 2 PM the stiffness sets in...and I KNOW I have DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). By end of day, walking down stairs is a challenge.

Day an idiot...proceed back to crossfit as Day 4 inadvertently became a rest day. Getting out of bed is a chore. Crossfit is a powerlift day with what again...but back squats. Quads so sore that have to go down to 85lbs and this is more of a struggle than two days ago at the higher weight. Again 5-5-5. Then onto deadlifting. Just 5 reps one the goal...find the max I can lift 5 times. Last time I lifted 125lbs. I was told to try to hit 140. We accidentally loaded so that I had a total of 145lbs. Quads unhappy with this (even though they aren't the main recruiting muscle group). Other crossfitter comments: "You did that like it was nothing. " Um...that freaking hurt, was my thought. But apparently I didn't 'struggle' enough. Note: add more weight next time. We did a few other ridiculous core things...L-sits and rocking hallows things...hard to do and hard to explain.

Evening workout...head to bike workout where drills are being done...sprinting, spinning, riding out of the saddle...SINGLE leg drills. 3 loops of 4 miles. Circle until quads protest...wait...i mean just circle until done. Quads protest while ride.

Day 6 Mix in a 4 mile run. Continue to ignore complaints from quads. Run...somewhat pathetic but happy I achieved all 4 miles. That was a mental struggle in itself.

Result...TRASHED quads.

So, I've become friends with Aleve which doesn't actually seem to do anything...Aspercream is my friend as well as biofreeze...which just makes me smell like a cough drop. Its been a rough week on the training front, but pretty good all the same. I'm going through that beginning phase of any training program for a distance i've never done where I have the thoughts of :WHAT was I thinking???

Other notes:

On a bummer note...I had thought I was going to do the La Jolla half mary, but with this hip injury I had put off signing up and had planned to sign up after this weekend when I ran 10 miles and didn't self distruct...sadly it is all sold out now :-( I need to find another race to do.

On a FUN note...I am volunteering at Oceanside 70.3 next weekend on the 22nd. I'm pretty excited. I will be somewhere on the run segment all day. I'll cheer, ring a cow bell, hand out water/gatorade, sweep up cups...and other things too.


Angry Runner said...

Too much quad, not enough ham and glute. Especially glute. Become glute dominant amd you will live happily ever after.

triguyjt said... have been through hell and wonder your quads are killing you...

you shouldnt just buy aleve, you should invest in the company...

between crossfit and tri will be one person i wouldn't mess with..

Speed Racer said...

Yeah, no, can't make that recipe, I think it's against my religion, or not vegetarian, or ummmm... I'm allergic to things that rhyme with kumquat and bedsift.

Didn't it occur to you to, I don't know, take a swim day???

Hope those quads feel better. By this summer you'll be DEVASTATING in the squat portion of the 70.3. Keep an eye out for CVSurf out there in Oceanside, he's doing the race, I think.

Sarah said...

Awww man. That just sounds miserable. Utterly. Miserable.

It's SO cool that you do Crossfit. I don't think I'd have time for it during the season but I'd like to get into it during the offseason. I can only imagine how strong you must feel. Then again, I want to do more yoga, too. *sigh* Never enough time!!

I agree with some of your other readers, though...maybe throw a swim session in there? Or take an easy day. I've been reading a LOT about how one of the biggest mistakes triathletes make is not having enough 'easy' days. You should only have one hard day in each discipline. Where Crossfit fits into that, I'm not sure. Maybe that's your strength training session, in which case...2x max/week, and as races get closer, only 1x/week.

Just my $0.02 - I know how it feels to wish you could slide down a banister, so I'm empathizing!

Hope we meet up during the race. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for volunteering. Please tell your teammates I said thank you, too. I'm so grateful for all of the volunteers out there. :)

Sunshine said...

Ouch... What a recipe!
Keep those stretches very gentle.

Thanks for stopping by... We just got 5 more inches of snow today.

rocketpants said...

Angry...note taken.

triguyjt...i think I do need stock in that company. They make a lot of money off of me. I don't think i'll be that 'scary'. I try not to be too...too much.

Speedy...swimming? Is that part of the triathlon? (I swam this morning, had missed it due to my accidental rest day). I'm still waiting to see how long the squat portion of the 70.3 will be ;-)

Sarah...crossfit is my weights. It's just weightlifing on crack and typically what will hurt me the most isn't when we weight lift X amont, it'll be the 'calisthenicy' stuff that is my body weight or a little the wall squats.I really was only squating 10lbs more than my body weight, over and over.

Sunshine...nooooooo...where is that Spring for you guys??

IronWaddler said...

Wow what an awesome workout week!!! Just as important as the workouts-get some rest to repair.

The Lazy Triathlete said...

Good luck at Oceanside!!!!

Sunshine said...

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you are doing well this week. Take care.