Track training at the velodrome. This is preparation for the race season(don't get any silly ideas, i'm not racing the track this season...i'm just riding/training). We were doing all kinds of whatever for the training session, and one of them was a 6 minute hard effort, but not all out effort. I was where I needed to be...but I think for the really stupidly fast group at least in my mind it became:
how many times can we lap her in 6 minutes?
(I have no idea if that was their goal...that's just what it felt like from my perspective). Quite a few apparently. And when I look at my HR data, I was where i should have been if not a little high for what we were supposed to be doing. Here's the part that sorta cracks me can go pretty fast on a track bike because of the gearing and the track geometry/ I was cranking around 22-23mph, but I was getting passed like I was standing still. I'm just glad our track is 330m...and not smaller or I would have gotten passed a whole lot more.
Headed up to LA this weekend to try out the indoor track. I'll try to get some pics of the crazy adventure...and may actually post them. ;-)
Today's adventure has encompassed 1)attempting to get my bid together for the condo I'm putting an offer in on. 2)a swim workout where a 4x50 IM drill set had me almost laughing because my butterfly was so pathetic I thought I was going to drown my lane-mate and 3) Someone took my flip flops from the side of the pool.

When I saw that my flip-flops were gone and some tiny flip flops (of the same color) were left in their place I had a pretty good idea that someone just made a mistake. Granted it didn't stop me from thinking horrible thoughts. I mean...i have somewhat larger feet...i wear a size 9....these flip flops that were left were very worn and looked to be about a size 7. HOW it wasn't noticed immediately was beyond me.
I left the suspect flip flops on the pool deck...and headed into the locker room now checking every ones shoes out. And lo and behold....the woman changing next to my locker was wearing my flip flops.
Um...what does one say at that point? I finally just said: UH...i think you have my shoes. Interestingly... she had realized that she had made the mistake when she came in. I'm sorta mystified that it took so long because my feet are so much bigger than hers AND her shoes were really worn in. The part that also sorta boggled my mind...she kept wearing them even after she realized they weren't hers. I think that's that weird? Am I being weird for thinking that is weird? Granted I don't really like if I realized I had made a similar mistake I probably would have taken them off immediately. And now what do I do with the flip flops? Bleach them? Trash them? Then I'm short some good flip flops. I had *just* started wearing them in too.
The original mistake is very justifiable. If they are not a specific brand and just a "normal" pair, then I understand it. However, once she realized they were yours and she kept wearing them--thats weird.
What is it with woman and feet?
Definitely weird...I would have headed right back out to the pool deck to fix it.
Try bleach or 409 or something. That should do the trick.
Have fun at the velodrome!!! And YES - super weird on the flip flop continuing to wear them!!
very weird. next time flog her with your goggles and hand paddles.
When I was 9 I stopped wearing socks for a summer. I contracted lots of fungus. I had tiny little clusters of plantar warts all over my feet, and some regular warts too. I counted over 50 individual warts once. After nearly 6 months of over the counter burn-your-skin-off stuff, I swore I would always wear socks, and I would wear flip-flops in public places.
So with that in mind, here's what I would have done (I often leave my fins on the pool deck, so walking off in someone else's shoes is not beyond me): Once I figured out that they weren't mine, if I were undressed, I would continue to wear them until I was decent and then gone back out to the deck and hoped that the person whose shoes I stole didn't get out in time to notice the mistake.
Still, I might bleach the shoes just to be safe. Foot fungus is NOT COOL!
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