Friday, August 17, 2007


Yes, that is right folks the drama...the pain...the insanity...of graduate school is starting to wrap up.
The book (aka the stupid dissertation) has been turned in to my committee. I have less than a week until the public 'flogging' as I like to call it...or my public 'defense'...WHATEVER. People get to publicly be mean to me...that sounds like lots of fun. But it means that i am done! (except corrections for stupid dissertation) that's worth something too.

I am exhausted, but can't seem to sleep. Yesterday I even made it out to Boston to a friend up who was up for a conference and stay with some other was exactly what I needed. I needed to just turn the stupid thing in...and GET OUT and be gone...and while I was barely functioning it was worth it. Over the past five years people have asked me "Do you want to...(insert fun things to do)"...and I have had to reply "yes...i want to...but I cannot (because research is eating my brain out)". Last week I had people inviting me all over the place...and no fun was had by me. So yesterday, even in my utter exhaustion...driving almost 2 hours to go hang out with friends one last time before it became a lot longer of a trip to see any of them was...divine.

I think the best part was waking up this morning...and discovering a new outlook. I woke up...happy. I've been 'happy' about things during my past 5 years, but it's been awhile since happy was an actual constant emotion to just be happy. No reason needed. I know that might sound somewhat overly dramatic, but let's just put it hasn't been fun. But somehow...the end is very, very near.

And as the end nears, i am reminded that I had 4 triathlon training goals from last year. My number 1 goal:

1)To graduate. Preferably in Aug, but if not by Aug, then DEFINITELY by Dec.

The amazing thing is that in order to achieve this goal I now have come to realize that what was actually necessary for this goal to be achieved was a whole lotta luck in the lab....and an adviser on my side. If those two are not on an experimental scientist's side 'forgettabout it'. Fortunately, once the opportunity of a job took form in adviser practically shoved me out the door right at the same time of experiments actually working. It was a miracle and I am thankful.

The fact I did not come close to actually accomplishing any of the other 3...only proves that I am not a multitasker (and actually...studies have shown that most people are not multiaskers even if they think they are)

Now...i think I need a nap. :-)


Ryan said...

I don’t have much experience with this dissertation stuff and your field of study but I know this is a wonderful accomplishment and only proves that if you set your mind and heart on something you will succeed. Congratulations on achieving this one unique goal. Enjoy a well deserved nap, the futures full of endless possibilities!

No Wetsuit Girl said...

Do they put you in one of those vice thing-ys where only your arms and hands stick through for this public flogging?

Congratulations! Have a drink on me... (send the bill to Claire c/o Spain... I'm sure it'll get to me). Relax, and enjoy your life when you finally do get back to it!

Benson said...

Oh how good that must feel. What a relief and quite a milestone. Congratulations!

I thought public flogging went out a couple hundred years ago. I guess it's making a come back.

Keep this mantra in mind; 'I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say, bounces off me and sticks to you'.

Nitsirk said...

Yay! Congrats. I know that feeling of being happy for real. It hasn't gone away yet. Nice to smile and really mean it :)