Thursday, December 07, 2006

You KNOW is grad school is getting to you when…

1) You see crumbs in the passenger seat of your car and since you can’t immediately remember eating anything that would cause such crumbs you IMMEDIATELY assume that most ILLOGICAL means of acquiring all those crumbs. Such as, a squirrel has broken into your car and eaten a nut in the passenger seat. It takes you a solid 10 minutes before you remember that YOU actually had a granola bar wrapper in the seat and that is truly what caused the crumbs. (it’s true…I did think that this morning)

2) Meaningless and simple experiments won’t even work. You are now convinced that the Universe is out to get you…or that if being a grad school laboratory researcher somehow involved re-incarnation…you MUST have done something REALLY bad like explode the lab in a previous life.

3) Coffee is now it’s own food group and it has become a verb: “Shall we coffee ourselves?”

4) Dressing like a 5 year old is now the norm. (As in…wearing pig tails, and lots of glitter to lab)

5) You have to park your car in the relative same place everyday, or you will lose it because your short term memory is totally gone.


DV said...

Heh, definitely can identify with 3 and 5...

I also use the "Let's caffeinate" version of # 3 so as not to exclude my good friend diet mt dew...

Bullet said...

This is hilarious.