Thursday, May 28, 2009


I typically never win anything. Raffles...races...whatever. It's really not that big deal, but it would be nice if I had my name drawn in a raffle for something....Tonight at the club meeting, i WON 100 dollar gift certificate to one of the local bike shops. Talk about making my DAY...or WEEK...or COUPLE OF WEEKS. I'm already plotting what to buy. (Probably a new saddle for my track bike)

I've been having a particularly rough go of it lately. Maybe a little over trained, maybe not enough sleep, way too much stress which has turned me into a cranky, crabby girl who is notsopleased with training and UTTERLY exhausted. I'm told it will pass. I'm still waiting for it to pass. Waiting...

I will say winning the gift certificate definitely lifted me and my crabby mood. AND my friend BG even won a 50 dollar gift certificate. YEA!

While in many ways this week has sorta been down in the dumps, one of the highlights this week was the best-est trigger point massage...ever. And if you follow any of my yammerings you might know...i hate massages. They are uncomfortable. They usually hurt...a LOT. There isn't a lot of relaxing involved for me. And while this massage wasn't exactly pain free, my massage therapist somehow knew my edge and was able to keep the massage not too painful but work out a lot of my trigger points.

Granted by the end of an hour we were nowhere near done...and my neck even spazed out the next day as it does. I kinda knew I needed more work so I'll be going back next week and we will focus on the neck a little more.


The Lazy Triathlete said...

Congrats on winning the raffle. Everyone could use 100 bucks to their bike shop!!

I hear you on the massage issue. I don't find them relaxing either. However, they can be neccessary.

Bob Almighty said...

"Though I walk through the valley of less than 4 hours of sleep, I shall fear no doze off for Starbucks is with me, it's double shot of espresso my comfort and my strength."

This time of year is always tough and stressful hopefully it passes quick.
I guess the good thing about a painful massage is that it unlocks knotted muscles and helps you to perform at your peak.

Congrats on the gift card. $100 at the bike shop is always a step in the right direction :)

Kathleen @ ForgingAhead said...

Congrats! I too never win and would be so fun to do so once in a while.

Hope the neck relaxes and you have a great weekend!

Runner Leana said...

A $100 gift certificate? That is awesome! That would make my day too. Hope the crankiness passes..!

thespudrunner said...

I have a new mantra and you should adopt it. "I am, I said, but now how Neil Diamond meant it." I don't know what it means, except for the fact that nobody heard him, not even the chair. And it makes me smile.

I need you to take me to the pool and teach me how to properly turn around.

And I've decided to take a class with you at the track.

I hope these things make you smile along with your hundred bucks.

Charisa said...

SWEET on the gift certificate for you AND your friend - that is the best way to make your day better!