Thursday, July 17, 2008

Twenty minutes

Thank God for time limits these days at crossfit. My gym has started putting time limits on workouts. This one had a time limit of 20 minutes. You were supposed to do 5 rounds or as much as you could in 20 minutes

5 rounds of:
15 Deadlifts
12 hang power cleans
9 front squats
6 push press

Men: 135lbs
Women: 83lbs

At first glance with the weight it doesn't seem so bad, really. I mean 83lbs and deadlifiting...easy peasy. 83 lbs and a hang power we got some issues. I can't even do one hang power clean at 83 lbs much less 12 of them. No, i'm not exagerrating. The guy leading out the class told me to do ONE and then we would scale it down. I did a lot of jumping and tried to get under the bar, but i think the lift sorta makes me nervous with the weight. Getting under a heavy bar sorta freaks me out a little. He told me I had enough momentum, but I wasn't getting under the bar. No matter, we tried to scale me down to 63 lbs. And while I could do 3 of those...we quickly discovered that was more than 3. So I was down to 53lbs.

Out of the previous class of about 8 people (all who are AWESOME crossfitters and who I think were ALL doing at weight) none of them could finish all 5 rounds in 20 minutes. I got through 4 rounds, + DL +5 powercleans. (oh and i have a HUGE bruise on my left collar bone where I tend to rest/slam/hit/pushpress/front squat the bar from. It is UGLY.) One guy in my class who was doing full weight did finish in 18:18. They then speculated how many other people *might* even be able to do the whole workout. Even though I scaled it down, I feel like I had a comparable scaling of difficulty...meaning that I did about as many rounds as people who were doing full weight. Sometimes I've found when I modify my workout it ends up being a little on the lighter side and I fly through it too fast almost so I try to go for a modification that is 'similar' time wise to people who do full weight because the choice is always go heavier and do less or go lighter and do more. I tend to chose the latter. I actually like walking and going heavier can have some really nasty consequences. Going lighter doesn't mean I don't hurt like not other, but at least I am mobile.

I did get in a 4.5 mile run too. I did 4 fast-ish intervals for 1:30 each. First interval at a 7:22 pace, second interval 8:07 (I was going up a hill), 3rd interval 7:25, 4th interval7:32. I rested for roughly 3 minutes in between each interval and allowed myself to walk, slowly jog until my HR came down to 150 range.

Oh, and I think i may do this hairbrained idea. I had to play catch-up today and did 10 burpees. But tomorrow it is 5. I will talk more about this in a future post...i donno 100 days of burpees? 5050 burpees in total?? I kinda hate burpees to begin with...but then I think about the deltoids. Deltoids. I heart deltoids.

Burpee update: leaning towards no...solely because I can't really do them in my apt without waking up the neighbors and while I could do them else where, that is a 100 days of trying to figure out where to make a complete fool out of myself on a daily basis. I may give it a try and see when I fall off the wagon due to logistics.


Speed Racer said...

"hang power clean" Sounds like something at a laundromat. Like a steam cleaner that hangs from that rotating rack they have. Or maybe a 2 lb fur coat hanging, waiting for a clean with an 81 lb anorexic woman inside... is that what it was like?

Yay Santa Cruz Cross Fit! Well, yay for the Santa Cruz part anyway. You should do the burpees. Will there be before and after picks?

Speed Racer said...

And by picks I mean pics.

Sarah said...

You are nuts. ;)

Sunshine said...

I cheer you.. but I get tired just reading your posts.
What energy!!!