July 20, 2008
It s Dec 1, 2007 and the button is pushed. And while I finally sucked it up and knew this was something I wanted to do, I don't think that queazy feeling will go away from me me all training season. The funny thing is when I writing and debating about what HIM to do, the decision was made in my head. As I crafted that post I kept thinking " You are going to do Vineman 70.3". Maybe the race chose me. I don't know. I don't really know why this one. I don't really know anyone going to this one. Heck I don't know even know of any bloggers out there that are blogging about training for this one. So if you are training for this race or know a blogger training for this race let me know or if you have just read my post and thought "Maybe I should race this race"...come join the fun!
The interesting thing about a HIM is that since each segment in my head is do-able, the distance *seems* alright at first glance (stupid 'distance creep'). The only segment I haven't actually done by itself is a 56 mile bike (longest bike to date is 45 miles). So the distance is a little deceiving in a way because I break the whole thing down in my head and think 'well each of those on their own are fine'. And then I realize I will probably be out there between 6-7.5 hours and then reality sets in. That's a long time. I know I'm up for the challenge, but one must not forget to respect the distance. I'm also a bit excited too. New challenges are pretty awesome. Daunting. Maybe a little scary. But pretty awesome too.
So it's exciting. I know how to swim (basically), ride a bike and run...but there are other things that I plan to work on and learn this season.
1)I will join a masters swim team. Intimidating, but I will do it.
2)I don't have aerobars nor do I know how to properly use them (and i'm going to be honest...they slightly freak me out), but I will purchase, get my bike fitted for some, and try to get over the fear of them.
3) Nutrition is daunting, but I am already in the process of working with a sports nutritionist.
4) I will learn that 5am time of day that can be utilized while being awake, but that will mean that 11pm won't be available to me as a waking part of the day anymore.
5) I will try to surround myself with 'enablers' of this endeavor and try to eschew those with only negative words for my goals.
6) I will try to have as much fun as possible during training by meeting new people and enjoying the process of change that this challenge will put me through.
Now onto crafting a training plan.
Thanks for the cook book idea!
Will comment on your last couple of posts when I've had more time to read them. But you GO GIRL!!!!
Congrats rocket!! You will rock it out for sure. You can totally handle 56 miles on the bike. It will fly by believe it or not. There are some good aerobars that you can "clip" on to your road bike - a good bike shop should be able to fit them for you. Happy training!!
Just found your blog. Great job in signing up. I just signed up for Steelhead 70.3 and have begun my journey. I have done duathlons but I am just learning to swim in a Masters swim class.
I'll be excited to follow your journey.
Nice. Never forget - Respect the distance.
You are so awesome for doing that button click.
1-6 are just what you need. You'll enjoy the journey.
Rock-it and have some fun along the way.
Yaaaaaaaaaay!!!!! I can already tell by your list that you are going to be fine. And don't be afraid of the time it's going to take you, the longer something takes, the more time you get to enjoy the fact that you're doing it. I'm so excited, I can't wait to read all about it!
I'll be doing the full IM a month later, so I eagerly await any insight into the course, etc.
I'm in Eagleman .5IM a month ahead of you in June. We're both in the same boat as far as the distances are, as I've done each individually but never all together. The closest I've gotten was an olympic tri at the end of August. We will probably parallel eachother in our training.
As for the aerobars- Get them. It takes a little while to get used to the position and the twitchy steering, but you'll love them on long, flat rides, or steep, windy downhills if you're anything like me.
congrats! if you have questions let me know...been through a few of these already. How is the hip flexor doing?
cya round.
Congrats! You will have a blast, HIM are the best distance. Get those aerobars and learn to love them. It will take a little time but it is worth it. I was scared to death the first few times I used mine but now I am in them almost 100% of the time!
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