Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Nightswimming or dark swimming...take your pick

Here is a little REM "Nightswimming" for some background music if needed.

Granted OK...i haven't really gotten into much detail about a few things about this next season and well, I really don't know too much about next season except a few things. I have a coach, and a team and well a goal. There are some other races in between that will be worked on and worked towards but July is the main one.

Katie b. has been coached by 'coach Brian'...or CB as she refers to him, since this summer so i've heard stories of CB for awhile but not until IMAZ did I actually get to meet him. I guess I can't say anything mean and nasty about him cuz...uh...he reads my blog. (Hi coach!) In all honesty he's a great guy and nothing mean and nasty could be said about him.

But this whole 'coaching' this is pretty new to me in someways. Joe did coach me to an under two hour half marathon back in 2006. But that was for 2 months of coaching...for one sport. This is for months and for the whole triathlon deal. I played soccer in high school...but not very well and I did play competitive ultimate frisbee (i know...many people look at me strange when I say I played in a league. There are competitive leagues out there and university teams) in college and for awhile after but again nothing like this. So all a little new.

But back to the point of this morning. Swim Time Trial. It looked like this: warm up...then do 3x100 at threshold pace with 10 second breaks between the 100s. Then 30 second break then do it 2 more times.

Not that I have internalized what my 'threshold pace' is for swimming, but I get this whole TT thing. OK. I get it. I can do this. Maybe really slowly. But I can definitely do it. I get to the gym and walk onto the pool deck only to discover that there! Actually there is no power in the pool area, just the emergency lights. Hmmmm....ooooookay. At least I wasn't being reliant on the split timer for my splits or I would have had to do this another day. I now have a handy dandy new little watch specifically for swimming I picked up so I was golden for the AM.

Here are a few tidbits and funny bits from the TT this morning that should be pointed out:

  • There was minimal light in the pool area.
  • I have darkly tinted goggles so I can barely see to begin with inside, much less without any lights on.
  • I know I'm supposed to rest 10 seconds between 100s, but i have no split timer, and I can't read my i'm stuck hitting the split/lap on my watch and just counting to 10. Don't ask me why I found this endlessly funny, but I did.
  • It was dark.
  • Did I mention it was dark? It was dark.
  • Good thing about it being dark and not being able to see much of anything is I had no idea how fast or slow I was swimming because I couldn't read my watch because...oh did you catch what I said before? It was dark and my goggles are darkly tinted. Basically blind swimming.
  • Even though this was an indoor pool the roof was it was raining inside too which actually was kinda 'cold' (for San Diego at least) and a little disorienting to be hit by really cold water halfway through every length.I know I asking for sympathy.
Overall the TT went fine. According to coach, apparently because I 'timed' my rests I was being anal. Anal or notsosmart? I vote for the latter. In MY defense...I was afraid to hit 'stop' in between laps because i might never get my watch to start properly again...cuz , you, know...IT WAS DARK. I knew if I just hit the 'lap' for everything I would be fine in the end and I would just record the rests. Maybe coach didn't actually need me to GIVE him the times of my rests. But i was just being thorough in my data collection. Sheesh...OK...maybe anal...just a wee little bit. :-) OR just funny?

I hope they get the lights working soon. I do like being able to sorta see, just a wee little bit.


Benson said...

Having a coach is great. You'll be so happy.
I. HEART. BARNEY BUTTER! That is so excellent you're on the team. AWESOME!
You will learn so much along the journey to your goal race. There will be highs and lows so just ride those waves and enjoy it. The feeling you'll have at the finish line is golden.
...right after that, you'll be thinking about a 140.6.

Chris said...

So... they do make goggles which are NOT tinted. Seems like maybe a letter to Santa is in order. I'm totally on your side on how you handled the timing though - why collect data if it's inaccurate or incomplete?! I'm a huge geek though, so unfortunately maybe you are too :)

Sarah said...

Wait, I thought the purpose of a TT for swimming is for your coach to evaluate WHERE you're at...and to do that...don't you need to give him data? And don't you want that data for yourself?

And no offense but how could it be dark if the pool was inside? Isn't that kinda dangerous? And a leaky roof? Did it make it smell gross in there?

I've got all these images of a dark, danky pool...but nonetheless, it's hilarious. :)

Yay for your new team/coach/goals! I'm planning on volunteering at Vineman this year so now I get to cheer for YOU! Oh and of course if you need a place to stay you can stay at my house.

Sorry for all the questions...

Charisa said...

Oh I'm laughing at the dark swim!! I'm doing Vineman 70.3 too - will be fun to know someone else racing :)

Kathleen @ ForgingAhead said...

I'm with Sarah...picturing a dark dank setting. What's with that pool?

Congrats on the coach and the goals!

I LOVED my days of Ultimate.

Brian Gunn said...

See, this is actually one of the reasons why I don't have a coach. I don't wanna go to swim time trials. :)

What watch did you get for swimming? I asked on the tri club list a while ago and got no responses.

Speed Racer said...

The only thing I can't work out in my head is how you did your flip turns without cracking your head open?