I also felt like the bumbling idiot of the beginner class. First time around they had us just ride once around the apron (the part on the inside of where the actual track riding takes place...the apron is where you get on and off the track).

Second go around...they want us ON th e track but you can't GET on the track until you can get your feet in the toe clips...hello...minor problem. Fortunately I do sort that out quicker after being the person who's all: duh...i can't get my feet in to start off with.
Now they want us to start up against the rail which is at the top of the track (the high part of the track) with our feet at 3 and 9...IN THE CLIPS...hanging onto the rail with our hand. THAT was a fiasco...and once ON the rail...i actually had to have the instructor push me as I struggled along for the first time. I felt like a bit of an idiot. From my vantage point it didn't seem like anyone was struggling as much as I was. But I did get the hang of holding onto the rail and starting from there. One guy helped point out how to 'hug' the rail while I hoisted myself onto my seat. Other people seemed to be somewhat sympathetic with my stupid behavior.
Then it was drills. Now logically i understand that it is actually a LOT safer to ride in a paceline on a track bike BECAUSE there are no breaks so no one can stop suddenly...but I don't really like sucking other people's wheels when i HAVE breaks...and NOW you want me to hang on that guy's wheel...and I have no breaks?? You've got to be kidding right. I did get the hang of it with time...sorta.
I think part of my apprehension is just other people around me...without breaks. And ME without breaks. I think I would feel a lot better if I were just on the track by myself and not have to worry about anyone else.
So it's alright. The track and I are becoming friends. We will see where it goes. The class is 5 more weeks so with time and confidence it will come together. My biggest 'problem' was just being confident on the bike...and by the end of the class I was feeling more comfortable riding the bike. (But by NO means actually comfortable ON that bike...not comfy at all) Spend some time together...see if any more comes of it. But highly entertaining.
Great Tri RR, every once in a while a little competition is good it drives us to push ourselves beyond the norm, nice work and to have a strong finishing kick means all that training paid off. Enjoy the wild track sessions ;-)
Fixies! Be safe out there. hahaha did you get bucked yet? :)
That sounds like fun....maybe. However, I think I would rather do this than spin. But then again, I get to watch Magnum PI and Miami Vice when I spin at home.
Man! That sounds like FUN!
Be careful out there and we want pictures.
If there are no pictures, then it didn't happen!
I was sitting on the edge of my seat during that whole post. Seriously.
I kept waiting for you to tell us about how your un-coordinated self totally biffed it or something.
Don't get me wrong, I TOTALLY believe in you, it's just that you ARE accident prone and so many of your posts inevitably end up describing how you had some freak accident.
So please, ms. rocketpants, just be careful on the track. I'm worried about you!
Well my mechanic is definitely jealous he's a fixie fanatic.
Just be careful on the track.
That is so cool!
You, a track biker chick,
I'm jealous.
Coooooooooooool! I can't even imagine having to get into toe clips or even cleats WHILE PEDALING, and those banked turns look really scary to me. I don't know if I could even get moving! I wish we had video of you "hugging the railing". That would have been pretty classic.
But BOO friggin HOO about the San Diego winters! Boo hoo! Get out there and ride on the road like a REAL man!
Someone mean, who is clearly NOT me, has asked me to tell you that in cycling a "break" is when people pull away from the group (short for breakaway). A "brake" is something that slows you down or stops you. This person (who is not me, because I would NEVER be so rude as to correct you on your spelling) would like you to know that she couldn't figure out what you were talking about for a minute, but she's figured it out now. She apologizes for offending or annoying you.
What a bitch, huh?
i so wanted to take that class too! but unfortunately i am trying to learn how accounting really works since it is my job and all...i'm jealous. i wish i was doing it with you!
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