The other 'option' is that i'm getting sick...and I don't like that LET's blame the Santa Anna's. That makes me feel better. I had a pretty hard time breathing tonight. I even checked the air quality since there have been some fires here the past two days and it said that the air is I can't even blame that.
So on to the track...we had our first casualty on the track. No...not me...another rider rather unfortunately just took a turn too hard. My group was waiting off the track and I l look up and see them sliding down the bank. YIKES! This was in the higher grouped class...all in all the rider was fine and got back at it.

We played some games of cat and mouse...can we say...i suck at that. OH WAIT I discovered tonight that I pretty much couldn't hang on anything. Basically in cat and mouse you have two people who are the mouse/mice who get a head start and will then work together to try to stay away from everyone else. All the while the rest of the group goes really slow waiting until they are given the whistle to start. Once the whistle blows the 'cat' (everyone else) has to try to catch the mouse/mice. Basically everyone in the 'cat' has to work together to try to catch the 'mice'. You have to try to catch the mice in 3 laps or less. Basically with the cat it turns into:How fast can YOU make a pace line?
Each time I was in the group as the 'cat' the whistle would blow and it just seemed that by the time it was time for me to grab the wheel of the person in front of me, they suddenly were going 10x faster than they were a second before and I was off and there was no recovery from that. That happened 2x...and then I was asked to be one of the mice. (I soooo didn't want to be a mouse)
Um...yea....keep in mind, i don't know what i'm doing 99% of the time. They made it sound like I should let the other mouse pull since he was a stronger rider, but by the second lap I really should have come round and pulled us for a bit...but me and the other rider were having trouble communicating. I couldn't understand him. When I am going round and round the track the wind is in my ears hence...I couldn't understand anything he was saying. I'm saying: GOOOO and all i hear is 'mumble, mumble'. He was trying to tell me to pull to the front. The other thing was I didn't understand about the situation was if me and him were doing pace line etiquette (where the person in front pulls off and then tucks in behind the other person)...or if I was supposed to go around him. I didn't want to pull around and have him pull up...and i just hung on the back and yelled...oops. UNFORTUNATELY we still got caught...but not til lap not too bad.
Its week three and the camaraderie is starting to build amongst everyone taking the two classes which is fun. People are starting to be more comfortable with each other and you start to hear: Hey good job closing that gap. Or: Awesome job on that final sprint. I love watching the dynamics of a new group of people start to come together and be friendly with one another. It takes everyone some time to warm up in a new group where no one really knows too many other people.
I've so far found that most people are really encouraging. I was given a really nice compliment just with reference to closing a big gap. Compliments really are encouraging, especially when it can be so easy to get down on myself about being slower and having to drop off a lot. It is nice because everyone is pretty new and no one has a really big ego about being on the track. We all know we are learning and I have found people really encouraging and those that are more experienced are also willing to give some tips. Its turning into a good group.
Sorry to hear about the effects of the weather on you. When I was in the desert, I would get rather pucky feeling when the winds picked up and the humidity dropped. Just hang in there and drink plenty of water.
Good job of the track workouts. I may have to give indoor cycling a try.
sicky is out to get you, don't let it! i hear its going around something fierce! :(
good job at track. wish i was there with you!
Make sure you rest - that will help in keeping the sick away.
Love the track stuff, and yes, compliments go a LONG way in helping build confidence.
Sounds like you are really doing well and have come a long way already. Keep it up! :)
"Um...yea....keep in mind, i don't know what i'm doing 99% of the time." Welcome to my world!
Maybe you're not getting sick, maybe it's OZONE!!! It's like pollution, only invisible!
Re: WSD (I don't know if you disabled comments on purpose, but I'm going to go ahead and tell you what I think anyway). Sure, sure, longer top tube, steeper seat angle, blah, blah. What the numbers CAN'T quantify is that most women's bikes are pink, and pink makes you LOOK like a loser. I ride a boy's bike, but then again, I'm not REALLY a girl. I always wondered if there were women with narrow hips who would be better suited on a men's bike, and (better yet) men with wide hips that should ride a women's bike. A pink one.
I'll bite. Since I can' post on the WSD question. the power output is the same as it's dependant on the rider not the bike. Bikes don't make power. :) Anyway my wife has one. It has smaller wheels (650C) and a comfy seat. That's the WSD.
I think you have a good case for wanting real information... scientific study.. on that men's/women's bike thing.
Sounds like you are getting some form of urban legend.. and we all ought to know what the real logistics are.
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