The fires down here in S.Cali are raging fast. Here is a decent link to a map of the fires. To give you an idea of how fast they are moving, the large one up in Ramona started Sunday sometime during the day and has spread 30-50 miles to the basically 24 hours. They have evacuated people to places they thought were out of the fire's way, only to have to re-evacuate again. The reason for the fast moving fires is because it is so dry down here combined with some gusting Santa Anna winds that have gotten up to 50+ mph today. It is a bit unreal how fast these fires are moving.
I live in an area away from the fires, so I haven't had to evacuate. But work is canceled (Although I already had taken today and tomorrow off before all this happened)...and I have no idea when we will be back to work as my work is in the middle of some of the evacuated areas. Many of my co-workers live in areas effected by the fires.
Even though I haven't been that close to an evacuated area it is pretty gross here. My eyes, throat and head hurt from the ash and soot in the air. I had a gross layer of ash on my car this morning.
>250,000 people have been evacuated and unfortunately the winds don't look like they will abate any time soon...many don't think they will stop gusting until Thursday. Many have lost their homes and many will be displaced for awhile as this firestorm rages. Keep those fighting the fires and who have lost their homes to the fires in your thoughts and prayers.
And here I am enjoying the 80 degree weather in Boston, now I feel bad. But really, hide your money in your mattress, we're all going to die.
You and all the people I know in San Diego are in my thoughts this week. Let's hope this all ends soon !
What a way to start your new CA life. Glad you and your home are safe. Will you get those vacation days back? I would skip the workouts for awhile, at least until the air clears. Be safe.
glad to see you are safe as well. hopefully this will end with better weather on Thursday and then the planes can fly...
Good to hear you're safe.
Please be careful and yes, I'm keeping all you S. Calif. folks in mind a praying for your relief.
Good luck. My thoughts are with all affected.
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