Wednesday, October 03, 2007

busy busy

Things are well...busy and crazy and I can't really catch up with much of anything at the moment. Next week I will have actual internet in my apt, so then I can hang out and finally catch up on all blogs and maybe even leave a few comments on older posts....until then, it'll be sporadic.

I have a 1/2 marathon in a week and a half. I had done some great training while in Asia, got my running up and around idea how far (i'm guessing due to my currently slower speeds and the amount of hills...that was 9 some odd miles). And then I got an un-fun stomach bug. I'm over the bug now, and have been able to run this is what it is.

I am now in day 3 of the new job. I am enjoying it...meeting new people, learning about what I will actually do. It's pretty cool so far.

All in all the move has gone well...still need a lot of furniture, but with time, with time.

Hopefully will be able to check out some tri club stuff here soon, i've been too crazy, busy and tired lately, that's how life goes sometimes.

Fun times.


No Wetsuit Girl said...

Good luck with your half marathon. Moreover, good luck with your marathon of menial chores trying to get settled in. San Diego is like THE triathlon city (which I'm sure you know), so I'm sure you'll have no problem finding some buddies.

One thing at a time!

Benson said...

Welcome back.
Hang in there and enjoy the ride.

Nitsirk said...

Congrats, it is a wonderful feeling to finally be part of the "real world". Wait until you get that first paycheck!!!