ya doing Stuey???

I found the whole 'pushing' thing to be i do with just about everything. Granted I was told that if I fell over because I was laughing too hard that would not be cool. Spoil Sport. The rear bumping of my instructor's rear tire was the trickiest for me. I'd get really close and then chicken out...i did hit his tire a few times but he'd just ride around in front of me saying: I don't feel you bumping into my tire. The can hit tires and not fall over.
I'm not sure if the practice helped my confidence level or what...but i HELD to people's tires SO WELL last night. Didn't get yelled at once to draft closer. We did have a guy who was joining in on the class for fun who was quite an experienced racer. He road around with my group all evening and gave out pointers.
After awhile he seemed to pick on me a lot over the evening as he'd sit on my wheel and tell me what to do a lot and point out where I was working too hard or riding too high or whatever. It was helpful. And on many races where he was riding my tail...he'd totally push me to out sprint whomever was next to me...even if we were deep into the field and not about to come close to winning anything. It was good practice.
But the best part of the night was we had a set of sprint races. We were told we would have 3 sets of 4 lap sprints. I can't remember if we were racing for points or not, but the first two sprint sets were pretty hard. After each set we would have to regroup and then they would send us off again. So the third (and what we all thought) was the last set...we made it through the first lap and I just got possessed to see if I could take it...I have no idea why I just WENT..i knew it was chancy since i had THREE laps to go..but I knew everyone was pretty tired I decided 'why not'? I didn't know how good the endurance of the fast guys in my group were(keep in mind this is not the super fast group...but still) I put the hammer down and went for it.
I did manage to hold them off for the next 2.5 laps and it was only with half a lap to go that three guys had to work together to chase me down. One of the guys on the sidelines told me after wards that I had a quarter lap gain on the rest of the field and those 3 guys that did reel me in had to work pretty hard together to pull me in. Totally satisfying.
It didn't 'work'...but man it was FUN. :-)
I learned a bunch of things:
1)Three laps is WAAAAAAAAAY too long to go all out on...2-2.25 is about all I can probably manage.
2)If you time it well you can take people by surprise.
3) Don't suddenly think that, that guy over there is suddenly going to be really fast if he hasn't been all evening in any sprint. Same for yourself.
4)It's not all about speed...learning more tactics can help the game.
5)Making people work hard to chase you down...even if it doesn't work is totally satisfying.
You would have thought I actually WON the race yesterday because of how giddy I was. I didn't even place well...but it was just awesome that I didn't hesitate and just left it all out there. I learned a lot by mucking it up.
One guy afterward complimented me on pulling away from everyone...even if i didn't still was fun.
Wow, that headbutting is just crazy!! The whole bumping the wheel thing would freak me out, but it sounds like you are getting some good practice. Congratulations on taking those guys by surprise!
i love how giddy this stuff makes you! good work. can't believe i ever even suggested you take a break from this - what was i thinking?
very, very cool Jo :)
Man Pants you're really getting into this track riding thing....definitely going to have a fast bike split this summer.
haven't heard from you on my blog in a while hope I didn't offend you, if I did sincerest apologies.
Nice job giving those boys a run for it.
Nice work! By the way, that is my FAVE pic of my boy Robbie M!!
Practicing butting... tutoring in butting ...
Amazing... hilarious.
Congratultions for getting good at it.
I always seem to learn a little something from your experiences! When I draft Bert I'm so sure I'm going to crash if I touch his wheel. I should do that practice thing.
YOU ROCK! I love that you laid it all out there and mucked it up...that's how we REALLY learn and you are going to be stronger for the experience in your next race.
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