Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Happy Dance

Yesterday was another milestone...and this one I cleanly rocked out of the water. No more experiments, only writing left to do. THIRTY-SEVEN days to finish writing and 45 days til Defense Day...and fifty some odd days til the movers show up and haul my sorry butt out to S.Cali...i say "Bring it"

happy dance...happy dance...happy dance.

BUT there is a much more FUN reason for a happy dance


It's my friend's first Tri and its the first of the season for me.

And while my endurance is, um, how shall we say...bad...and i've never been this undertrained for triathlon...i have to say, it'll still be lots of fun. It's gonna hurt. But, yea...ok...it's kewl.

I've been training reasonably for the past few weeks...I got a great brick in on Sat 15 mile bike with a 2 mile run. Mainly workouts have been fairly consistent 4-5 days a week. And i've had a lot of open water practice this season, which is good.

OH, but I bought the BEST thing EVAH...open water/tri goggles


I do.

Maybe the seal goggles are old news to you...but they are amazing. You can see lots...and as long as you don't break the seal on them, they don't leak. Yet another reason for a spontaneous Happy Dance.

When I was purchasing the goggles, i'm not quite sure how I made it out of the store with only the goggles and a new race belt (again...I heart the race belt...but as much as i love it...it didn't change my life like the goggles did). The tri clothes kept calling my name...I managed to escape...somehow...i don't know how.

Yea...tri this weekend.


Paul said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Best of luck to you this weekend with your tri! I'm sure you'll have the chance for a big happy dance after the race.


Benson said...

Oh yeah! tri weekends are the best fun money can buy. always better to be a little undertrained. good choice on the seal goggles. I've used them on occasion and like them too. rock on.

No Wetsuit Girl said...

I totally know that feeling of walking into a bike/running/swimming/tri/sporting goods/suplements store and wanting to walk out with the whole store. Why does it always seem like a good idea to go on payday. Have fun at your tri this weekend, no training=no expectations=nothing but fun. Have a blast!